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Here you are now, at my page. Thank you for dropping by.
My name is Miza, the founder & creator of Mulia Jewellers by MuliaInk.
I build my career as Corporate Trainer in Mental Health, a Life Coach focusing on inner strength & alignment with one's purpose and life's mission and a part time Zumba instructor. Collecting gemstones started off as my interest during my travels. Designing jewellery started off as a hobby.
I have been in love with jewelleries ever since i understand beauty. Naturally, my eyes always sets on details, and over the years I've developed practicality in adorning jewellery according to stones, colors, designs & detailing.
As we move along with this page, I aspire to share & showcase some jewelleries of my personal collection, some are antique collections,most of it are the ones that i designed & created with deep thoughts and intense passion, and some that is up for sale.

May we all will be blessed to share this beautiful journey together; adoring beauty, cherishing luxury and adorning colors of life 🥰


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