“His love is like aquamarine.
Soulful, gentle and eternal”.
My thoughts exactly! The first time I laid my eyes on one, the first word that came to mind was ‘gentle’. Perhaps it represents the greenish blue color of the aquamarine I was looking at that time. How gentle it was to blend in with its surroundings.
The birthstone of March, Aquamarine is also a name of a color describing a shade between green and blue. It comes from a beryl family which popularly found in delicate blue or turquoise known as aquamarine, whereas if it is in green as emerald, yellow is called heliodor, rose pink beryl is known as morganite and white beryl as goshanite.
It has its hardness of 7.5 to 8 making it durable and more scratching resistance compared to other gemstones with less hardness. Aquamarine however easier to brittle, which makes it easier to chip upon impact.
The price of aquamarine is determined by its carats and strength in color. Pure beryl is colorless. The greenish blue in aquamarine is caused by the traced amount of iron in the gemstone. The deeper the blue in aquamarine the higher the price of the gem as it is rarer compared to the lighter blue aquamarine.
“Aquamarine is allegedly associated with youth, health and hope, aquamarine is the most common (blue) color for the mineral beryl. The doubly ionized iron (Fe2+) impurities found in aquamarine are what give it its characteristic light blue color, while a triply ionized iron impurity (Fe3+) produce a yellow/gold color instead. When both impurities are present, you get a darker blue color known as Maxixe, where the color fades if exposed to light but returns if you irradiate it. Aquamarine comes in a hexagonal lattice, is often huge (specimens over a foot in diameter are not uncommon), and are most frequently found in granite intrusions”.
Trevor Nace, Forbes, March 29th, 2016
Also known as the gemstone for 19th anniversary, it was told that people in the Middle Ages thought that aquamarine could magically overcome the effects of poison.
Aquamarine is the official state gem of Colorado. It can be found at the summit of Mt Antero, Central Colorado. Aquamarine too can be found in Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Malawi, Tanzania, Kenya and Brazil. The finest aquamarine comes from Russia.